The Greater Manchester ARES voice and digital net schedule is listed below.

The net takes place at 7 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. All interested licensed radio amateurs are welcome and encouraged to participate.

8/1347K1EHZK1ATLVoice & FLdigi
8/2747K1ATLW1EAATactical mobile/portable
9/1047N1KWGKA1IJNVoice & digital
10/847KA1IJNKC1KMMVoice & digital
10/2247KC1KMMKB1JCXVoice & digital
11/547KB1JCXK9NPDVoice & digital
11/1947K9NPDK1EHZVoice & digital
12/1047K1EHZKA1IJNVoice & digital

Greater Manchester ARES NCS Script


First check the frequency and ask if it is in use.

Is the repeater in use?

If it is in use say ‘This is a drill by Greater Manchester Amateur Radio Emergency Service’ and ask if they will release the frequency.

This is K1MHT, Net Control for Greater Manchester ARES Training Net.

XXXXX is the Alternate Net Control this evening.

This is a Drill.

This is a directed net. Any station with traffic or comments will contact net control prior to contacting another station.

All radio amateurs are welcome to participate in the net. You do not need to be a member of ARES.

Are there any stations with emergency or priority traffic?

            If so, handle immediately!

Nothing heard.

<PAUSE> (Unkey the mic on Pause to restart repeater timeout.)

When checking in, state “this is” immediately followed by your tactical call, if one has been assigned, or your FCC call.

For this net use standard ITU phonetics. State “Digital” if you have FLDIGI capability and “Traffic” only if you have a real or training message to pass.

Hand-held stations check in now,

Wait about five seconds after last check-in heard to avoid missing a station.

NCS then acknowledges each station that checked in by its call and if it is digital or has traffic.

This is net control, roger the following…


Mobile stations check in now.

Wait about five seconds after last check-in heard to avoid missing a station and then acknowledge stations.

This is net control, roger the following …..


Fixed stations check in now.

Wait about five seconds after last check-in heard to avoid missing a station.

NCS then acknowledges each station that checked in by its call and if it is digital or has traffic.

This is net control, roger the following…


All other stations, check in now.

Wait about five seconds after last check-in heard to avoid missing a station.

NCS then acknowledges each station that checked in by its call and if it is digital or has traffic.

This is net control, roger the following…

Are there any check-ins that were not recognized? If so, check in now.

Do not continually ask for check-ins, after last acknowledgement, state:

This is net control, K1MHT.

This is a Drill.

If a station has traffic, NCS asks that station to list it – precedence, destination, mode (digital, voice). NCS takes appropriate action for passing the traffic

At this point NCS can assign locations as needed or as predetermined.

Please use the term ‘this is a drill’ as often as appropriate.

If non-participating stations want to check in that is fine as long as time permits. If someone asks to use the repeater, please indicate that this is a drill and that the net is directed. Inform them that all transmissions must be cleared by net control.

At the end of the drill thank Al, K1AKS for the use of the repeater and state that GMARES is now at level one and that the drill is completed.

This net meets again on “DATE” and the NCS will be “CALLSIGN”.

Thanks to Al, K1AKS for use of the repeater. The GM ARES Training Net is now closed.

This is a Drill.

K1MHT, out.

The Greater Nashua ARES voice net meets on Monday evening at 19:00.

Scheduled Assignments and Repeater
7/29CH 58K9AENNA1T
9/2No Net



Emergency Activation Classifications

Status Description

Level 1: Normal everyday operations. No emergency or precipitating condition exists.

Level 2: A potential for a communication emergency exists. Members should monitor their local ARES net frequencies and email for information on preparing for deployment, and possible activation notices.
Level 3: An unusual condition or emergency exists that has caused government officials to declare a warning. A communications emergency does not yet exist. Affected ECs will initiate their local ARES net. All members should monitor their local net frequency. Members should make all preparations for possible activation. Members will be asked to check in to their local ARESnets and be prepared to state their availability and resources. A Section Coordination & Traffic Net (SCTN) may be initiated on an appropriate frequency circumstances warrant as determined by the ACO. In the case where the SCTN has not yet been initiated and is clearly needed, any EC or his designee may initiate one. Notification will be made to the ACO and to members of NH-ARES by the best available means informing them that the SCTN has been activated. Local ARES leadership will appoint a liaison to check into the SCTN. ECs and/or liaison stations should then monitor the SCTN.

Level 4: A communication emergency exists and volunteer operators and radio resources have been requested by one or more served agencies. Nets in affected areas should be activated, and if needed, the SCTN, as determined by the ACO. ECs in un-affected areas should monitor the appropriate nets in the event additional assistance is required